Musicians and Singers Performance Enhancement Therapy and Treatment

Musicians and Singers Performance Enhancement Therapy and Treatment

Common Problems for Musicians
(including singers whose instrument is the voice):

Confidence issues about auditions or competitions
Stage fright
Concerns about your instrument
Inability to let go of criticisms
Discouraging experience that caused you to give up, partially or fully

For those who have a passion for music, it is amazing to feel and express the energy and emotion inherent in a musical selection.That is what fuels the hours of practice and development that later become the fusion of musical intent and fulfillment in a peak performance. Both performer and audience are inspired and elevated by the experience. To have anything interrupt that passion causes feelings of loss, frustration, regret, pain or longing.

However, many people have overcome the burden of performance problems since the development of EMDR performance enhancement protocols. EMDR has efficient ways of processing and clearing emotions, beliefs, and negative experiences that can block creative expression. Those blocks may have been born long ago in a simple comment or action by a parent, teacher, conductor, or peer. Sometimes a negative experience may not produce a belief, but it registers in the body or vocal chords. In the world of sports, this is sometimes called a “yip.” It is a brief static that goes through the nervous system and foils the smoothness of concentration and quality of execution you are seeking.

Sometimes it may take only a few sessions to free your concentration, inspiration and momentum to flow forward. When a person has a history of trauma, neglect, or intense ongoing pressure to perform, it can take longer. Most people find that however long it takes, it is well worth it. 

EMDR has been used for Performance applications almost since the beginning of it’s development (though it is true it was originally researched for treatment of PTSD).

We invite you to include one of our Certified EMDR Therapists who are Performance Enhancement Specialists on your support team.

San Diego Therapists, Peak Performance, Musician, Singer
