Career or Job Performance Enhancement

Career or Job Performance Enhancement

Common Concerns List:
• Worries about a high-stakes job interview
• New duties not yet in your comfort zone
• Dealing with office politics
• Fears because of a bad experience with a job in the past
Also see general Performance Enhancement

The importance of doing your best in your chosen career cannot be overstated. In the current economy, there are added stresses, too, which can obviously increase anxiety about job performance.

Whether your career issues involve the job itself, pure and simple, or issues about promotions, performance reviews, rumors about layoffs, or the relationships you have with co-workers, bosses or subordinates, a Performance Enhancement specialist can offer a safe place to explore these issues fully and gain new, effective skills for managing stresses, and navigating challenges  and accessing your intelligence and talents for your best performance at work.

The value of working with an EMDRIA-Certified EMDR therapist around these issues lies in their experience in identifying earlier experiences that may have interfered with your confidence and belief in your ability to be your best. These interferences are often quickly processed, leaving you free from a block that may have been impeding you for a long time.

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing.  You can learn more about it by visiting our Home Page. Please keep in mind that EMDR is a Comprehensive Therapy Approach and that this website offers the highest standards for inclusion for our therapists.  All must be EMDRIA-Certified EMDR Therapists.

The fascinating aspect about the “Trauma Therapies” is that after negative experiences have been “desensitized” or “processed,” the mind becomes much more open to optimum functioning. It becomes highly receptive to the use of a similar process the trauma therapists use to instill, strengthen, and enhance positive qualities, abilities, potentials, feelings, and visions for future accomplishments. Our therapists have tools for performance work that most other talk therapists, life coaches, and teachers (even though their input can also be valuable) simply do not have.

Because traumas are sometimes a cause of performance problems, it can be very useful to choose to work with a trauma therapist on career issues. A fairly insignificant experience of which one has little memory can leave long-term repercussions that affect simple, everyday tasks. These experiences are easily overcome with EMDR, often with surprisingly positive results. Overcoming career limitations brings freedom and, with that, greater success and joy in your work.

For some people, the performance work helps them gain a better sense of being true to themselves and discover what is missing in their present job. On occasion, this growth may lead them to see that they really would like to move toward a new career that gives them greater satisfaction and fulfills a lifetime goal.  Whatever your vision of your career or job performance, our EMDR Performance Enhancement specialists can assist you in moving forward and finding greater passion, meaning and satisfaction in your work.

San Diego Therapist, Job Performance, Career Performance, Stress Management, layoffs
