Depression Help: Find Psychologists and Counselors in Sacramento Skilled in treating Depression

Did you know that 75% of first depressions are caused by stress?   Though there is a popular notion that depression is genetic, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) conducted a meta-analysis of 25 studies of 14,000 people.Result: There is no risk of depression due to genetics, it is due to events. (NOTE: this does not apply to bipolar depression, which does have a genetic basis, though it too, must be triggered by stress for the first episode.

Because EMDR is designed to treat memories that are dysfunctionally stored (with negative beliefs and feelings and sensations) it also works well for depression and anxiety. In addition to clearing specific traumas, it is important to treat the trauma of severe depressions, and the fear of depression returning. This can help people in ways that amaze them.

Please consider finding a Certified EMDR therapist in the Sacramento Area to help you overcome your depression or anxiety. We have counselors and psychologists in Davis, Sacramento and Auburn who would be glad to assist you in your healing journey. lists thoroughly trained and certified EMDR counselors, so you know that you can benefit from all that EMDR has to offer.

Click on the words “Sacramento Area” to find a counselor or psychologist near you:

EMDR Therapists in the Sacramento Area, including Davis, Sacramento and Auburn


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