Bipolar Disorder Therapy and Treatment

Bipolar Disorder Therapy and Treatment

Short and Simple Symptoms
Alternating between periods of manic episodes and depressive episodes

Symptoms of Manic Cycle include:
• Going without sleep for a prolonged period
• Over-activity
• Not seeming to need sleep
• Risk taking without regard to consequences

Symptoms of Depressive Cycle include:
• Suicidal feelings/ideation/or plan*
• Fatigue
• Depression

The Mood episodes are not better identified as schizophrenia, psychotic or other disorders

Any individual who believes he or a loved one may have Bipolar Disorder should first seek the thorough assessment and opinion of a qualified, experienced therapist and psychiatrist.It is good to learn as much as possible about the disorder, by reading books such as those listed at the close of this article. 

As Bipolar Disorder is a chronic, genetic condition, it is important that a proper diagnosis be made based upon symptoms and family history. Our EMDR therapists create strong, caring relationships that help bring greater stability and balance to the lives of persons suffering from Bipolar Disorder, as well as the support needed to learn the skills for positive management of the disorder.

Trauma alone does not generally cause Bipolar Disorder, because of its strong genetic component. But the stress of trauma, or simply an accumulation of stressors, can trigger the onset of the illness.  There is also much evidence in the literature to show that a stressful event is the trigger for unipolar depressions, as well.

For these reasons, doing a thorough stress and trauma history, and creating a plan to use EMDR to desensitize those traumas, can be extremely strengthening to a person with Bipolar Disoder.  The following are possible “targets” for EMDR processing:

1.  Any of the stressors and traumas that predated the diagnosis by 2 years

2.  Traumatic depressions, memories of manic episodes or past suicide attempts (these are self-induced trauma)

3.  Long-standing negative cognitions, and any key memories that seemed to reinforce those beliefs

4.  Hurtful or insensitive responses of others to your symptoms or diagnosis

*The risk for suicide is historically greater for bipolar disorder than any other diagnosis. This is why facing the reality of the diagnosis and creating positive self-management with a good support system are so vital to living a healthier life.

During a period of intense suicidal feelings, trauma therapists generally avoid EMDR processing of traumatic material and instead use gentle approaches to build strengths and supports. Part of increasing supports may include referring for hospitalization if needed.

Please call one of our EMDRIA-Certified EMDR Therapists today to get started on whittling down your pile of traumas, and thus, reducing the load of stress you carry with you.  Our hope for you is that this will make your life smoother, and gives you greater access to your strengths and talents.

Useful Book Resources:

The Bipolar Handbook – Real-Life Questions with Up-to-Date Answers (2006) by Wes Burgess, MD, PhD – excellent in its simplicity and readability.  Easy to read short sections that relate to your specific interest.

Taming Bipolar Disorder (2004) by Lori Oliwenstein – an EMDR therapist whose son was diagnosed Bipolar read every book she could on the subject, and decided this one was the best in 2005.
