Counseling for Sexual Abuse or Domestic Abuse in San Francisco

We have therapists in San Francisco who are Certified in EMDR, a trauma therapy recommended for suffers of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) by the prestigious Cochran Review of England.  People who have survived Sexual Abuse or Domestic Abuse or Violence generally have PTSD, which is treatable.  PTSD can be resolved for 80-90% of people by EMDR therapy.

Please review our Directory of the highest standards of any EMDR Directory.  All of our counselors are EMDRIA Certified, ensuring you that you receive the full researched benefit of EMDR Therapy.  Research has demonstrated that EMDR helps in 1/3 to 1/2 the time of the other leading trauma therapy, CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy).  EMDR requires far less homework than CBT, which may be the reason it has a far lower drop-out rate.

Additionally, one new research report is showing EMDR results in more “Post-traumatic Growth” than CBT.

Thus, we invite you to visit our San Francisco directory link below, and to browse website as a whole.  The HOME page and ARTICLES section give a great deal of fascinating education about this amazing therapy called EMDR.

San Francisco EMDR therapist and counselor directory


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