
Approaching RELATIONSHIPS– How EMDR Therapy Gives Hope

Relationships can be a two-edged sword.  A sword is simply a tool that can be used for good or ill.  On the one hand, relationships are delightful and  supporting, and enhance our lives with love, fun, curiosity, productivity, success, and learning.  On the other hand, when inharmonious, they can drag us down, discourage or frustrate us.  Relationships can even traumatize us.

The sad thing is that people connected to each other can trigger each other’s trauma. When that happens, we lose our ability to be at our rational, calm best.  We become irrational and do things impulsively, without thinking.  The consequence?  Growing problems and complications between people who care about each other, or at least need to work together effectively.

This is really tragic.  Most of our issues are not completely due to the relationship at hand in the present moment.  They often are due to past experiences with the same person or with other people with whom we have felt disappointment, hurt, fear or terror.  Likewise the same can be said of our partner/parent/son/daughter/ friend/boss or co-worker.  Their small or large traumas can be triggered just as easily, or ours can be triggered with them

If one person can be less vulnerable to triggering, it can make a big difference in relationships.  It interrupts the cycle of emotional reactivity.

If one person gets help with their trauma, they can become a leader of health.  They can learn to be true to themselves, and not react emotionally to the other.  This gives a breathing space in dysfunctional patterns of relating.  Things can begin to change in a healthy direction.

Many of our couples counselors, marriage therapists, and family therapists or family counselors have integrated EMDR therapy into their practice of other validated therapies.  EMDR can help speed up the healing process, or make it more complete, solid, and secure.

One Bowen/EMDR therapist who witnessed an integration of Bowen Family Systems Therapy and EMDR Therapy said, “This is like Bowen on steroids!”

Since EMDR is known for being efficient and effective, we encourage you to contact the EMDRIA-Certified EMDR therapists on this website who help with parenting relationships, couples relationships, workplace relationships and the relationships between friends.  All are important and all can benefit from the guidance of a therapist with excellent EMDR credentials, experienced at giving clients the full EMDR protocol.

This website has many therapists with relationship specialties.  All are well-qualified EMDRIA Certified EMDR therapists.  Please click on FIND A THERAPIST to find one near you.

If you are seeking Couples or Marriage Therapy, it is a good idea to seek a specialist.

To find a Marriage or Couples therapist who can help you  please go to FIND A THERAPIST. Search for the specialists who treat Couples in your community.

If we do not yet serve your community with our EMDR Therapist directory, please go to the EMDR International Association website below:


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