EMDR Therapist in Sacramento, CA 95816, also serving Yolo County, CA 95818
Specialties: trauma, PTSD, anxiety, panic disorders, eating disorders
Serving: Individual adults in the Greater Sacramento area including Yolo County
Insurance: None
License: #MFC 26272
Website: www.deborahcohenmft.com
Get Relief from Trauma-Related Anxiety with EMDR
I have specialized in trauma therapies for the past 15 years. I use EMDR and sometimes hypnotherapy, as well as exposure therapy and CBT to resolve trauma-related symptoms.
I treat anxiety, anxiety-related disorders, panic attacks, anxiety attacks, eating disorders, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), sexual abuse and physical abuse symptoms, and other traumas.
If past trauma or current trauma is causing you distress, consider working with me and trying EMDR, which is known to be one of the top treatments for trauma-related symptoms.
I have been certified in EMDR for many years and I use it as one of my main treatment modalities. I am always amazed at how effective EMDR is, and how quickly it works, shaving off years from traditional “talk therapy” treatment.
Please call me today at (916) 491-1216.