Dr.Cole specializes in EMDR Therapy in Fountain Valley, CA 92708. She is an EMDRIA-Certified EMDR Therapist. **She is on Sabbatical, starting 02.01.2022, for a few months, and not seeing clients during this time. Please check back later. **
Specialties: PTSD/Trauma, Dissociation, DDNOS, Night Terrors, Anxiety Disorders, Drug/Alcohol Addictions (using Pia Melody’s P.I.T. Model), Eating Disorders, Personality Disorders, Emotional Self-Awareness/Mindfulness, Communication, Coping and Problem-Resolution Skills, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Setting/Maintaining Boundaries, improving Self-Esteem and Self Confidence.
Modalities: EMDR Therapy (EMDRIA-Certified in EMDR Therapy), Bowen Family Systems Therapy. Individuals, Couples and Families.
Serving: Late Teens to Adults
Insurance: Accept most insurances including, Aetna, Anthem/Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Cigna, College Health (CHIPA), First Health, Foundation for Medical Care, Health Net, Magellan/MHN, PBH/Optum Health, United Behavioral Health, United Healthcare, Value Options.
License: MFT 36915
Enhancing Your Self-esteem, Skills and Personal Choices
Are you struggling with fear, anger, rage, indecision, low-self-esteem, depression, anxiety or resentments?
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, or EMDR Therapy, can help you to heal the effects of stress and trauma, abuse, addictions, and guilt. I use EMDR Therapy in Fountain Valley as part of my dedication to helping people gain strength as they overcome these stresses.
I enjoy working with people as they address topics such as:
Divorce Prevention/Healing/Recovery
Communication Skills/Conflict-Resolution Techniques
Setting/Maintaining Boundaries
Time/Stress/Financial Management
Appropriate Parenting/Discipline methods for children/teenagers
Coping with Eating Disorders and/or Personality Disorders.
My goal is to help you improve interpersonal relationships, raise self-esteem and enhance personal choices. I look forward to your call, hearing about your goals, and then deciding how we can best work together to reach those goals.
Please call now:
(657) 200-5003