Sharon Skelton, MFT Offers EMDR Therapy Sacramento 95816
Sacramento, CA 95816 Counselor specializing in Traumatic Grief and Loss, Abuse or Neglect Survivors, she also offers Motherless Mothers Group, more… Continue Reading →
Sacramento, CA 95816 Counselor specializing in Traumatic Grief and Loss, Abuse or Neglect Survivors, she also offers Motherless Mothers Group, more… Continue Reading →
Sacramento CA 95481 Counselor specializing in: Abuse as a Child; Sexual Molest Issues, Addictions/Smoking, Grief and Loss, Anger Management, Relationship and more… Continue Reading →
Sacramento, CA 95827 Counselor specializing in Trauma and PTSD, Grief and Loss, Medical Trauma, Performance Anxiety (i.e. test, speaking, acting), Weekend Intensive – Early Childhood Trauma Clearing and more… Continue Reading →
Sacramento, CA 95816 Counselor specializing in Trauma, PTSD, Anxiety, Panic Disorders, Eating Disorders and more… Continue Reading →