Personality Disorders

Personality Disorders

One interesting insight gained about Personality Disorders from EMDR Therapists’ experience is this: those with these challenges tend to have many early experiences of being emotionally or physically ignored or neglected or abused.  They have a fairly high number of adverse childhood experiences.  Because of this, their treatment needs to proceed more gently and slowly. So many unmet early needs now require attention. As they are addressed, symptoms of Personality Disorders have been observed by many to calm to a noticeable degree.

Unfortunately, we have few particular specialists in all Personality Disorders on this website at this time, but clients having such diagnoses may find it useful to link to these pages:

Attachment Issues: Therapy and Treatment
• Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) Therapy and Treatment
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Therapy and Treatment

San Diego therapist, personality disorder
