Susan Kluge Offers EMDR Therapy in Sierra Madre

Susan Kluge, MA, LMFT specializes in EMDR Therapy in Sierra Madre. She is an EMDRIA Certified EMDR Therapist.

Specialties: Anxiety, Panic Disorders, Trauma and PTSD, Depression, Addiction Recovery, Co-Dependency, Obsessive Thinking, Compulsive Behaviors, Self-Esteem Issues, Loss and Grief, Life Transitions, Stress management, Relationship Issues, Childhood Issues, Spirituality

Modalities:  EMDR Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Family Systems Therapy, Pre-Marital Counseling
Serving: Teens, Adults, Couples and Seniors
Private Pay, Anthem Blue Cross (HMO/PPO), Other Insurance Companies may reimburse insured a portion of the fee for a PPO
License: MFC21566

The Process of EMDR Therapy in Sierra Madre

I believe we are born with an emotional lense through which we view life. From childhood on up, we encounter many events, sometimes wonderful, sometimes disturbing, some we would call traumatic. Most often we can process our feelings and our reactions to these experiences within minutes or hours. Sometimes it may take a couple of days to work through it and go on with our lives.


When we can’t process the feelings and thoughts, we find ways to keep going. We may bury things deep within our memory, hoping they won’t come up again. Or we may find ways to detach from our feelings, expecting that in time our feelings will go away.

Negative Beliefs

These unprocessed events get “stuck” and the emotional lens becomes clouded. We form negative beliefs about ourselves (i.e. “I’m a bad person,” “I’m not good enough,” I’m a failure,” “I’m not safe.”) In our heads we may know these things aren’t true; but in our hearts and bodies, we feel they are. Life gets built on these beliefs. They now get in the way of self-growth, relationships, being happy, feeling peace, spirituality, experiencing life and being in the moment. This cloudiness can also play a big part in anxiety, depression, poor decision making, substance abuse, inability to be successful, poor self-esteem, and the list goes on!

The Hope of EMDR Therapy in Sierra Madre

EMDR is a wonderful therapy that can help people process those “stuck” negative beliefs, fears and traumas. These imbedded memories and feelings can be processed and become a part of a person’s story, minus the angst. After EMDR therapy, clients often say they can see life more clearly (they are not talking about their vision!).  They also say they feel lighter; the weight has lifted!

About the Therapist

I have been in practice for over 20 years. My comfortable office is in Sierra Madre.  In addition to EMDR therapy, I do Cognitive Behavioral and Family Systems therapies. EMDR Therapy can work very well with the more traditional therapies if one prefers an eclectic approach.

Contact Info

If you would like to make an appointment, please call me at (626) 355-8480, or send an email to You are also welcome to call if you have any questions regarding EMDR Therapy in Sierra Madre or my practice.

(626) 355-8480



For more EMDR Therapists in Sierra Madre, CA click here.


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