Mary S. Reigel Offers EMDR Therapy in Sacramento

Mary S.Reigel, MS, LMFT, EAC specializes in EMDR Therapy in Sacramento.  She is an EMDRIA-Certified EMDR Therapist and EMDRIA Approved Consultant in Sacramento, CA  95827.

Specialties: Trauma/PTSD, Medical Trauma, Grief, Performance Anxiety (i.e. test, speaking, acting), Weekend Intensive – Early Childhood Trauma Clearing & Trauma Desensitization
Serving: Adults, Couples, Families

Modalities:  EMDR Therapy in Sacramento
Insurance: Private Pay, Victims of Crime, PPOs, Value Options
License: #MFC 31887

EMDR Therapy in Sacramento

I treat trauma/PTSD, anxiety, depression, grief, performance anxiety, early childhood trauma. I’ve extensive experience treating people with recent/past medical trauma, miscarriage and body disfigurement. Since I consult and teach, I stay aware of effective standards of care. Overall, I strive to help my clients achieve their goals for happier and healthier lives.

About Mary:
Mary S. Reigel, MS, LMFT, has been working in the field of death, grief and trauma since 1981. Initially specializing in survivors of homicide, suicide and accidental death, she was a liaison with the coroner’s office and is a past Director of Grief Counseling for Suicide Prevention in Alameda County. As a grant recipient from California’s Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA), Mary helped establish the Standard of Care for individuals and families used by firefighters, paramedics and police when death is determined at a 911 call. Founder of Grief Step™ Programs, her “Say the Right Thing, Do the Right Thing” training program has been taught throughout the U.S. and Iceland to emergency services.

Experienced in disaster mitigation, she was the director of the FEMA funded recovery programs for families who had a loved one die in the Loma Prieta Earthquake, 1989 and the Oakland Hills Firestorm in 1991. As part of an international search and rescue team she assisted the Peruvian Fire Department during the El Nino 1998 and the Canadian, Nova Scotian emergency services following the Swissair 111 crash that same year.

Mary is the CISM consultant and trainer for California’s Department of Transportation (Caltrans). Since 2002 she has helped train staff at the Federal Reserve Ban, Atlanta in family notification, terrorist and disaster preparedness. In 2009, she presented a three day workshop “The Aftermath of Tragedy: Grief and Trauma” for the Department of Mental Health, Washington, DC. She is an approved instructor for the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation. Mary completed EMDR Therapy training in 1999. She is a Certified EMDR therapist and is an EMDRIA Approved EMDR Consultant. She has a private practice in Sacramento.  Please feel free to visit her web sites: and

While ‘talk’ therapy is helpful, EMDR combined with clinical hypnosis and ego-state work has revolutionized therapy. When I started using EMDR (1999) the increased well-being reported by clients was phenomenal: including body/ somatic symptoms. EMDR Therapy in Sacramento truly opens up so many wonders about who we may be; the neuroscience is fascinating.

Please call me today at (916) 366-8026 to discover the wonder for yourself.

For more EMDR Therapists in Sacramento, CA click here.


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