Dana Terrell Offers EMDR Therapy in North Park San Diego

Dana Terrell, LCSW, EAC specializes in EMDR Therapy and Bowen Theory in North Park. She is an EMDRIA Certified EMDR Therapist and an EMDRIA Approved Consultant.

Specialties: EMDR Therapy, All Kinds of Relationship Issues, Depression, Anxiety and Fears, Behavioral Addictions and Substance Abuse using FSAP EMDR-based Addictions Protocol, Loss and Grief, Trauma and PTSD, Panic Disorder, Impulse Control Disorders (Anger, Sex, Gambling, etc.), Self-esteem Issues, Assertiveness, Attachment Issues, EMDR (20+ years experience), Advanced Integrative Therapy, Early Trauma Protocol, Emotional Circuit Clearing (helps the emotions to serve you rather that make you stuck in them).  Dana is the researcher and developer of the Comprehensive Relationship Approach, formerly called the Integrative Bowen and EMDR Protocol (iBE) which helps people gain emotional maturity in all kinds of relationships and in themselves.  She offers this in 2 options:  individual weekly or in the Group Treatment format. For more info, please link here.

Serving: Individual Adults, or Adult EMDR Groups

Modalities:  EMDR Therapy in North Park San Diego, Bowen Family Systems Theory, my integration of these two therapies is iBE, or Integrative Bowen and EMDR Therapy.
Private Pay, most PPOs reimburse a portion of my fee.
License: LCS13773

Business Name:  Comprehensive Therapy Approach, Inc.

EMDR Therapy in North Park San Diego:

Enhancing Spirit, Strengths and Success

Feeling stuck in disturbing feelings like anxiety, phobias or nervousness? Anger or depression? Guilt or shame? Worry, fear or even panic? Finding it hard to keep self-esteem up as you keep thinking discouraging thoughts, like: “I’m just not good enough”? I can’t succeed”? “I can’t handle it”? Are there some behaviors you do “too much or too little,” which are blocking your ability to love, work, play, and enjoy life? Does it seem confusing that you have these problems even though there may be much good in your life?   Would you like to start tackling these issues using EMDR Therapy in North Park San Diego at my comfortable home office?

In life some suffering will be unavoidable. But it is good to reach out for understanding and competent help to heal as soon as possible. I firmly believe that since the development of EMDR Therapy, long-term emotional suffering is unnecessary. Remaining “stuck” is unnecessary.

From nearly 30 years of experience with EMDR Therapy in North Park San Diego (I am Certified and an EMDRIA Approved Consultant, having guided over 40 EMDR therapists to become Certified) I love seeing how EMDR Therapy can clear out disturbing emotions, limiting beliefs and behaviors, and traumas. Once that happens, clients spontaneously access their true personalities. Their spirits, strengths and success-abilities are enhanced. To me, this makes it a great privilege to “walk alongside” my clients as they heal.

CTA/iBE for Resolving Relationship Stress

I have over 45 years of experience with a wonderful theory for emotional maturity called Bowen Family Systems Theory.  My enthusiasm and conviction have led me to develop, research, train other therapists in this comprehensive approach to healing.  I call it the Comprehensive Relationship Approach, (formerly “Integrative Bowen and EMDR” or iBE therapy).  One experienced Bowen therapist and EMDR therapist receiving my consultation in practicing the iBE approach said, “This is like Bowen on steroids!”

My self-help book on iBE is published and available on Amazon or Barnes and Noble. You can find it in print, eBook and audio formats.

I offer this therapy in individual weekly sessions, or in Intensive Therapy for those who want to make progress quickly or who are coming from distant locations.  The intensive format is available individually or in groups. To learn more about the iBE Individual or Group Therapy opportunities, please link here.

I also offer the Early Trauma Protocol in Intensive Therapy.  For more info about intensive therapy, please link here.

Spontaneous Testimonials from Clients

“I have progressed more in 3 months of EMDR Therapy with you, than I have in 20 years of previous therapy.” – K.B., 44 yr. old male survivor of abuse in childhood.

“I’ve been naturally taking better care of myself now. I’ve even dropped my cigarettes to one a day.  This is the weirdest therapy I ever had in my life, but I love it.”  M.E. 25 year old female, San Diego

“This is the most insight, tangible work and support I’ve ever received from a therapist. I get an A+ for my efforts. I threw myself into it, and I can see progress within myself.” – T.V., 52 year old male survivor of childhood neglect, sibling abuse and stranger molestation.

I feel good about me. I’ve never felt so positive about therapy before this.”  – CG, female raised by severely depressed father, San Diego

“I feel SO blessed (as many other people must feel) that you decided to become a therapist instead of a teacher (though I’m sure you would have made an amazing teacher). You have made a profoundly positive impact on my life; past, present, and future.  You have helped me work through events from my past, as well as recent events, which is really helping me deal with being more present in the here and now, and as a result, find more peace and joy within myself again. What I have learned from you and worked through with you will have an everlasting positive effect on my future as well,  and as a result, the futures of my children and my family!!” – TH, teacher and mother of four 



Regarding Dana Terrell’s Protocol* for EMDR-Trauma Relief

     My older sister who was my mother-sister-spiritual guide just past away,

and Dana and I have been doing several of these Sessions. To say they

are ‘life changing’ is just the start. Every time we do one, I make leaps and

bounds in my core relief and wisdom-understanding of the deeply buried

emotional chords/trauma/family of origin issues. I’m someone who never

cries, and these Sessions have helped me to deeply sob and grieve, which

otherwise I could not do on my own, I know. Her EMDR work helps me

to clear and feel stronger as the multiple layers of family issues, other’s grieving

styles different than my own, family criticisms, and my deep feelings of loss

of someone I loved…are revealed and released. I can’t even imagine

coping without this now…it would be impossible. What she is offering is a Life Line to 

inside myself in areas that I have no understanding of or no way to navigate

on my own…deep grief (even though I’ve done and benefited by over 40

years of inner work, counseling, meditation, and 12-step understanding.)

     Dana herself is extraordinary in her compassion, her peace, and her ability

to understand depth of feeling and grief. Her support and love is so healing

throughout, and even though I’ve done EMDR in the past and also been

in health care work for 35 years having worked with multiple practitioners, she is unique.

Her ability to do EMDR just flows, guides my heart completely where it needs to go for the next

phase of release. 

     There is really no way I could thank her or God for her skills. She is 

remarkable. Am so very grateful!!!


     Barbara Roberts, Clinical medical research nurse (RN), HHP

     (Email me for more information: facereading1@aol.com)

*Note by Dana: BR is referring to Jarero’s Ongoing Traumatic Stress Protocol


“I want to share the amazing transformation I’ve experienced since working with Dana and her magic wand!  [NOTE:  EMDR therapists use their hands, a device called a “Light Bar,” pulsars with lights, or a simple pointer wand to guide clients eye movements.]

“One of my very close friends told me about EMDR therapy. She knew my history and thought it might help me overcome some difficulties that had plagued me for years. When I went to Dana’s website, ComprehensiveTherapyApproach.com.   I read the first paragraph: 

Feeling stuck in disturbing feelings like anxiety, phobias or nervousness? Anger or depression? Guilt or shame? Worry, fear or even panic? Finding it hard to keep self-esteem up as you keep thinking discouraging thoughts, like: “I’m just not good enough”? I can’t succeed”? “I can’t handle it”? Are there some behaviors you do “too much or too little,” which are blocking your ability to love, work, play, and enjoy life? Does it seem confusing that you have these problems even though there may be much good in your life?   Would you like to start tackling these issues in my comfortable North Park office?

“I answered “yes! yes! yes!’ to every single question that paragraph asked. It was as if she was speaking directly to me! I called Dana’s office to talk to her as I wanted to find out more and Dana herself called me back to discuss my concerns. She was so calm and kind that after I put the phone down I sobbed. I felt that she was the person that would be able to help me release the negative beliefs that were holding me back from having the life I wanted. I was absolutely right! In just a few sessions, she helped me find the parts of my brain that were stuck and she helped me create completely new thought patterns.

“EMDR Therapy to me is like cognitive therapy on steroids! I knew that my shame and guilt was not mine, but I didn’t seem to have the power to change how I viewed the world because of it. EMDR was the magic formula! I have changed so much in such a short time. My relationships are so much more authentic, personally and in my career. My relationship with money is much better and as a result, I am making more money. I no longer suffer from debilitating anxiety and I am able to squash self-doubt before it has a chance to take its hold on me. I believe I can succeed and as a result, I’m becoming more and more successful. I have control over my life and destiny. I love myself and I love my life!

“I thought PTSD was for those who suffered major trauma like in Vietnam or other equally devastating circumstances. From what I understand, PTSD can occur in childhood as a result of neglect and abuse, no matter how we minimize it. With Dana, I discovered some of my stored trauma was from events that as an adult I wouldn’t have thought were especially traumatic, however, they were affecting my view of myself and the world around me.  EMDR has been the perfect vehicle for me!

“Thank you to Dana and EMDR Therapy!” 

Bowen Family Systems Theory

For over 30 years I’ve been using family systems therapy (the Bowen Theory) to help individuals and people in relationships of all kinds. I find this a sound way to help you see choices for making your side of the relationship more mature than it may have been previously. Clients gain understanding and acceptance of the strengths and limitations of each person and each unique relationship. The paradox is that they then discover their relationships gradually becoming more satisfying.

One basic principle of the Bowen theory is that we all have certain chronic anxieties that make it harder for us to be balanced and emotionally mature in relationships while under stress. One key goal is to reduce these anxieties. I find EMDR is an outstanding way to accomplish that aim.

I offer Group Intensive iBE Workshops. Link here to learn about the upcoming Workshop schedule.

Please take this opportunity now to improve your future. I look forward to the empowerment of your best self, with all the awesome qualities and talents that may be forgotten within you, but are not lost.  It will be my privilege to introduce you to amazing EMDR Therapy in North Park San Diego.

Did you know that the World Health Organization recommends only two therapies for PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)?  One is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).  The other is EMDR Therapy.  Since EMDR works in 1/2 to 1/3 of the time of CBT, requires minimal homework compared to lots of homework with CBT, and integrates in the emotions and body into the mental cognitions, I find it more appealing than CBT.

Did you experience a Motor Vehicle Accident?

Dana specializes in helping MVA victims recover from PTSD.  Here is a note from a survivor of a horrific hit and run accident.  She wrote this after her EMDR treatment was complete:

I feel like I’m returning to myself more and more, and maybe even better.  I found our sessions very helpful both in helping me deal with the accident situation and in learning some techniques and ways of thinking to deal with difficult situations in the future.

I also liked working with you as you have a caring, calm, nonjudgmental way that put me at ease.  I only wish I would have sought your help earlier.       — Cathy

I will welcome a call from you, and am very interested to know what is challenging for you now. Please tell me how you would like your life to be different in the future. That list of goals will guide us in our work together, and once they are achieved, will tell us when our work is complete.

Please call me at (619) 283-5665 and mention you found me on the ComprehensiveTherapyApproach.com website to receive a $25 discount* off your first session of EMDR Therapy in North Park San Diego.

*The discount applies only to the private payment option. Because of insurance company policies, discounts cannot be applied for insurance clients.

For more EMDR Therapists in San Diego, CA click here.


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